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French collectables
Vintage french
Religious antiques
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Reserved/sold listings
European antiques
Reserved **set of mid century vintage French green & white oyster plates - Longchamp majolica - full set of six and huge serving plate
A fabulous emerald green mid century majolica jug or pitcher - by St Clement - basket weave water jug - signed pattern number 7459
A stunning set of mid century vintage French green & white oyster plates - Longchamp majolica - full set of six plates
A stunning pair of antique French gilt wood wall mounted console tables, hand carved & hand painted with faux marble finish, chateau decor
Beautiful antique french hand embroidered linen tablecloth Alsace check gold silk chain embroidery needlework - festive holiday tablecloth
18th Century gilded Toleware lights - the most incredible pair of handmade antique French gilt Tole ware wall sconces of large proportions
A fabulous antique French copper planter - sink - laundry - Apple - butter - kettle - log basket - garden ware - basin - copper garden
Large antique French velvet crucifix benetier font - blessing - baptism - gothic cross - bronze crucifix - catholic cross
Ciel de lit - antique French handmade wood frame repousse decor with original upholstery - French roses swags - bed canopy - bed crown
An absolutely sublime & truly rare 17th century antique French gilt wood sunburst Monstrance reliquary altar piece of Saint Theodosia
A fabulous late 19th Century hand carved & painted gilt wood Gesso panel of charming birds - fruits design and fabulous proportions
An incredible antique French hand carved gilded late 17th century Fleur de Lys royal ciel de lit - Royalty & Nobility - canopy - bed crown
Antique French early 19th century gilded porcelain apothecary pot-chemist - drugstore - pharmacy pot -jar
A large & funky vintage French drugs sign - druggist wall sign - double sided chemist drugstore advertising sign - street - Droguerie sign
A stunning & very Large antique French Royal Château bronze staircase newel post - boule d'escalier - 17th century balustrade ball post
A Fabulous pair of bronze antique wall candelabra lights with scrolling acanthus leaf decoration - french chandelier three arm wall sconces
A stunning pair of highly decorative large antique French Empire bronze chateau fireplace andirons - chenets - fire dogs - door stops
A spectacular 18th century Italian gold and silver thread embroidery needlework on cardboard of large proportions. Antique passementerie
An antique Baroque Italian altar panel of Saint John the Evangelist, Neapolitan cartouche hand carved gilt wood of John the Presbyterarian
A stunning late 17th century gilt wood hand carved, painted Madonna & Christ child, Italian Renaissance Virgin Mary statue Santo figure
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